
Phi-1.5 Model: A Case of Comparing Apples to Oranges?

  • Researchers from Microsoft recently released a paper “Textbooks are all you Need II” creating a new 1.3 billion parameter model named Phi-1.5 with performance on natural language tasks comparable to models 5x larger.
  • I explore the paper’s claims and find that the model performs significantly worse than equal-sized counterparts when evaluated on perplexity. My investigation highlights how comparisons in the paper, while impressive, paint an incomplete picture (comparing apples to oranges).
  • In order to evaluate beyond perplexity, yet circumvent inadvertent gaming of benchmarks, I also created a new task of “slang” understanding and found that a model of similar size performs 40% better than the Phi-1.5 model.

T-MARS: Improving Visual Representations by Circumventing Text Feature Learning

  • We make an interesting observation: a large fraction of image-caption web datasets (such as LAION) have images that contain text inside them. Often, the text is the only feature correlated with the caption.
  • We propose an algorithm to filter web datasets used for training CLIP in order to learn better visual representations, and achieve state-of-art zeroshot accuracy on vision tasks.

Can Neural Network Memorization Be Localized?

  • We show that memorization is typically not localized to specific model layers, rather is confined to a small fraction of neurons dispersed across the model.
  • We propose Example-Tied Dropout that can confine memorization to a pre-defined set of neurons, which can then be thrown away at test time.

Why and when should you pool?
Analyzing Pooling in Recurrent Architectures

  • We show why and how Pooling (and attention) based BiLSTMs demonstrate improved learning ability and positional invariance over standard BiLSTMs.
  • Further, we find that Pooling helps improve sample efficiency (low-resource settings) and is particularly beneficial when important words lie towards the middle of the sentence
  • Our proposed pooling technique max-attention (MaxAtt) helps improve upon past approaches on standard accuracy metrics, and is more robust to distribution shift
  • Analyses done on multiple Text Classification tasks.